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Land Transport Services


The land Transport service facilitates the process of obtaining commercial license for individuals, companies, private sectors, and government institutions via Ministry of Transports website.
This service targets those interested in investing and operating in the land transportation sector, with its various activities related to materials/products transportation and transportation companies (for Qataris or Qatari companies).

The Ministry of Transport provides the following:
1.Preliminary approvals for issuing commercial licenses to first-time applicants with commercial registers who are interested in investing and operating in the land transportation sector.
2.Preliminary approvals for those interested in continuing to operate in the land transportation sector for their commercial licenses.
3.Preliminary approvals for those interested in adding or removing land transport activities from their commercial license.
4.Preliminary approvals for those interested in modifying data on their commercial register.
5.Preliminary approvals for those interested in adding a branch.
